The code for building a reusable CD pipeline with Tekton

(Kubernetes-native CI/CD framework)
On this page I share the improved code initially taken from the YAML files I worked with during the "IBM DevOps and Software Engineering" course, after the course I extensively played around with the pipeline, made some polishes to it, and added comments to facilitate understanding of what's going on there.

The files you'll need to have on your system to create and run the pipeline:

(1) cd-pipeline.yaml for creating the Continuous Deployment pipeline
(2) cd-tasks.yaml containing a couple of custom tasks used by the pipeline
(3) cd-pvc.yaml for creating a PersistentVolumeClaim to be used as a workspace by the tasks

This CD pipline consists of the following tasks:

(1) cleaning up the workspace (working directory)
(2) copying (cloning) the source code to it from github
(3) linting some python code for a simple counter app
(4) unit testing this code
(5) building a container image for deploying it into a Kubernetes environment
(6) deploying to Kubernetes using OpenShift CLI (the oc command)
apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: cd-pipelinerun-pvc spec: storageClassName: skills-network-learner # Change it to the one you use. resources: requests: storage: 1Gi volumeMode: Filesystem accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce # The volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node.
apiVersion: kind: Pipeline metadata: name: cd-pipeline spec: workspaces: - name: cd-pipeline-workspace params: - name: branch # of a git repository. default: "main" - name: repo-url # It will hold the URL of a git repository to clone from. - name: build-image - name: app-name # It's helpful to have the application name as parameter # when reusing this pipeline to deploy different applications. tasks: # (1) Preparing the environment: # # (the implementation of this task is written in the cd-tasks.yaml file # and named "cleanup-working-directory") # - name: init workspaces: # # A common workspace name that many tasks use for code # is "source", so we name the workspace "source" for consistency. # This way, the path to the directory where the actions will # take place is going to be "/workspace/source". # - name: source workspace: cd-pipeline-workspace taskRef: name: cleanup-working-directory # (2) Copying using the git-clone task from the Tekton catalog: # - name: copy workspaces: # # We name it "output" for this task, because this is the workspace name # that the git-clone task will be looking for: # - name: output workspace: cd-pipeline-workspace taskRef: name: git-clone params: - name: revision # Revision to checkout (branch in our case). value: "$(params.branch)" # # For the repository URL to clone from the git-clone task # expects the name to be "url": # - name: url value: "$(params.repo-url)" # This way, the parameter declared in the params section # near the top of this file can be referenced here. runAfter: - init # (3) Linting Python code using the flake8 task from the Tekton catalog: # - name: lint workspaces: - name: source workspace: cd-pipeline-workspace taskRef: name: flake8 # The task provides linting based on flake8 for Python. params: # # In the documentation for the flake8 task, you can see that it accepts # an optional image parameter that allows you to specify your own container image, # we choose to use "python:3.9-slim": # - name: image value: "python:3.9-slim" # # The flake8 task also allows you to specify arguments to pass # to flake8 using the "args" parameter. # For example, the arguments --count --statistics # would be specified as: ["--count", "--statistics"]. # - name: args value: ["--count", "--max-complexity=10", "--max-line-length=127", "--statistics"] runAfter: - copy # (4) Unit testing Python code using the flake8 task from the Tekton catalog: # # (the implementation of this task is also written in the cd-tasks.yaml file, # where it is named "nose", as it uses the nosetests) # - name: tests workspaces: - name: source workspace: cd-pipeline-workspace taskRef: name: nose params: - name: args value: "-v --with-spec --spec-color" runAfter: - copy # (5) Building a container image using the buildah ClusterTask: # # (if you don't have the buildah installed as a ClusterTask, # consider installing it as a regular task, and then remove # the line: "kind: ClusterTask" from the block of code that follows) # - name: build workspaces: - name: source workspace: cd-pipeline-workspace taskRef: name: buildah kind: ClusterTask # Indicates that this is a ClusterTask. params: - name: IMAGE value: "$(" runAfter: # # Specifying both lint and tests allows to perform # linting and testing concurrently, and this is fine, # as both processes do not depend on completetion of one # before starting another: # - lint - tests # (6) Deploying to Kubernetes by running an OpenShift CLI command # using the openshift-client ClusterTask: # # (as with the previous task, you might consider installing it on your system # as a regular task if needed and removing the line "kind: ClusterTask") # - name: deploy taskRef: name: openshift-client kind: ClusterTask params: - name: SCRIPT value: "oc create deploy $( --image=$(" runAfter: - build
apiVersion: kind: Task metadata: name: cleanup-working-directory spec: description: This task will clean up a workspace by deleting all of the files. workspaces: - name: source steps: - name: remove-files-and-directories image: alpine:3 env: - name: WORKSPACE_SOURCE_PATH # Sets the environment variable to be used # in the embeded shell script that follows. value: $(workspaces.source.path) workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path) # The root of the workspace. securityContext: runAsNonRoot: false runAsUser: 0 # The root user. script: | #!/usr/bin/env sh set -eu echo "Removing all files from ${WORKSPACE_SOURCE_PATH} ..." # Delete any existing contents of the directory if it exists. # # We don't just "rm -rf ${WORKSPACE_SOURCE_PATH}" because ${WORKSPACE_SOURCE_PATH} might be "/" # or the root of a mounted volume. if [ -d "${WORKSPACE_SOURCE_PATH}" ] ; then # Delete non-hidden files and directories rm -rf "${WORKSPACE_SOURCE_PATH:?}"/* # Delete files and directories starting with . but excluding .. rm -rf "${WORKSPACE_SOURCE_PATH}"/.[!.]* # Delete files and directories starting with .. plus any other character rm -rf "${WORKSPACE_SOURCE_PATH}"/..?* fi --- apiVersion: kind: Task metadata: name: nose spec: description: performs unit testing using nosetests. workspaces: - name: source params: - name: args description: Arguments to pass to nose type: string default: "-v" steps: - name: nosetests image: python:3.9-slim workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path) script: | #!/bin/bash set -e python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel pip install -r requirements.txt nosetests $(params.args)

When you have all the three YAML files in place on your system, you'll need to apply the configurations they contain using the following CLI commands:

kubectl apply -f cd-tasks.yaml kubectl apply -f cd-pipeline.yaml kubectl apply -f cd-pvc.yaml

Next, install the git-clone and flake8 tasks into your Kubernetes namespace (if you haven't already):

# Install the git-clone Task: kubectl apply -f # Install the flake8 task: kubectl apply -f
To check if you have the buildah and openshift-client tasks installed as ClusterTask (like I had on my system), you can use this command:
tkn clustertask ls

If you don't, you'll need to install them to complete this endeavor.

For convenience, set the CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE shell variable to a value that is appropriate for your setup, it will be used soon in the shell command which starts the pipeline. You can copy and paste the following line, replacing your-cr-namespace with your value:

Note: the source code of the application to be deployed will be cloned from:

Now, when everything is ready, it's the time to run the pipeline!

tkn pipeline start cd-pipeline \ -p repo-url="" \ -p branch="main" \ -p build-image="image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE/tekton-lab:latest" \ -p app-name=simplecounter \ -w name=cd-pipeline-workspace,claimName=cd-pipelinerun-pvc \ --showlog
The -p sets the value to a parameter which will be available when the pipeline runs.
The -w specifies a workspace to use.

The final output should look similar to the one in the lower pane here:

A screeshot of a successful CD pipeline run powered by Tekton
You can see the pipeline run status by listing the PipelineRuns with:
tkn pipelinerun ls
And check the logs of the last run with:
tkn pipelinerun logs --last
A reusable CD pipeline with Tekton - Kubernetes-native CI/CD framework
This page was last updated on January 17, 2025
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