Nothing Extraneous

Only actions that aim towards your goal

Attention to Details

Thoughtful details make all the difference, facilitating a better experience for your clients

Quick launch, using short iterationsfootnote symbol

[*] Only for websites based on an existing CMS (Content Management System), bespoke solutions cannot be launched quickly.
What you need to have is clearly expressed goals and initial input information


  • Website Development based on well-established content management systems (Joomla and WordPress), as well as completely custom solutions coded from scratch.

    my approach

    I am not a proponent of pushing website visitors to buy a new device just to have a smooth user experience.

    On the front-end, the websites I create tend to load faster, require less system resources to run smoothly on older devices and remain functional in out of-date web browsers because I am not eager to use giant javascript and css frameworks where it's not necessary, most of my projects do not even rely on having javascript enabled in the first place!

    By default, I do not place third-party javascript code that might be used for tracking web users' habits and undermines Internet privacy.
  • Website Transferring from proprietary online publishing platforms like Wix, SBI, and others to a traditional web hosting where you'll be able to have complete control over your online asset.
  • Search Engine Optimization to bring more visitors to your web pages.

    Common tasks often include:

    • SEO audit and consulting
    • identifying your target audience
    • keyword reasearch
    • on-page SEO
    • implementing schema markup
  • Converting Static Web Page Layout to Responsive to make the pages comfortably viewed on a wide range of devices: mobile phones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers.
  • Maintenance & Support - updates to content management system (CMS), content updates, backups, managed website hosting
  • Coaching - training on all aspects of running a website, including using CMS software and SEO.
  • On-screen Presentations - creating interactive slide decks that run from within a web browser without need for any additional software and that can be used both online and offline.
I offer competitive prices. Tell me what you need and ask for a quote


The newest projects

Setting up a lightweight, bilingual website

Key objectives:
  • Publish bilingual content using WordPress' native capabilities
  • Create a photo gallery / product catalog
  • Add social media integraion and contact forms
Dumbo Hostel - Hualien (象東青年旅舍 - 花蓮)

Website migration from WIX to WordPress CMS

Key objectives:
  • Fetch and back up all the necessary data from WIX
  • Recreate similar website structure using WordPress
  • Create new design features for mobile devices
  • Add social media integraion and contact forms
Mayrooms Hostels - Taipei (五月家 - 臺北市)

Website rebuild for F-GUITAR.COM

Key objectives:
  • Make the pages mobile friendly.
  • Make the website easy to navigate.
  • Fix visual imperfections.
  • Replace Adobe Flash content with HTML5 alternatives.
  • Add multimedia elements: chromatic guitar tuner, multi-track audio players.

Website development for a guest house using customized WordPress CMS

Key objectives:
  • Deliver a very straightforward and clutter-free administrative area
  • Create a simple and attractive front-end design

Design and implementation of a social network for a web-based private community

Key objectives:
  • Create image, video, and article sharing capabilities
  • Add messaging capabilities
  • Add reporting and approving functionalities
Note that because it's a private community, following the link will open a replica website intended for demonstation purposes.

Web development for an online musical scale reference

Key objectives:
  • Create a very lightweight, simple web design.
  • Create straightforward, distraction-free navigation
  • Make the main menu "remember" opened categories for an improved visitor experience

Website rebuild for a beginner's guide to electric guitar playing

Key objectives:
  • Rebuild the website template
  • Add responsiveness for mobile devices
  • Migrate Adobe Flash content to HTML5 plugin-free alternatives
  • Enhance user experience with on-page interactive elements: chord chart, guitar tuner, and others...

WordPress modal window plugin-in development for graphic designers

Key objectives:
  • Develop the plug-in following the "nothing extraneous" principle
  • Create a simple and robust back-end interface
  • Optimize the code to increase performance
Raw HTML Modal Window - WordPress Plugin

Multilingual Photo Gallery

Key objectives:
  • Code a script that generates tidy, SE-optimized HTML for image galleries with integrated Schema Markup
  • Design and implement database-free data structures for supporting multilingual text (including in the 'alt' attribute of the images)
  • Integrate the PhotoSwipe javascript library for a comfortable user experience viewing full-size images
Multilingual Photo Gallery

About Me

I'm a versatile, freelance web developer currently based in Thailand, with over 10 years of experinece in the field.

I offer user-friendly website related solutions for individuals and groups with an accent on both search engine and user friendliness, utilizing custom designs, as well as high quality third-party templates as a foundation for my projects.

An icon for the GNU operating system

My setup consists of non-proprietary, free as in freedom software.

Vegan OK


If you're asking for a quote, please try to give as many details as possible so I can give you an accurate estimate.